Business Intelligence and Business Analytics projects.

Make objective decisions based on data analysis.

Managing the talent of a large company requires an analysis of behavioral data that guarantees the suitability of people in their workplace.

We help you analyze the behavior and performance data of large groups to establish human capital policies aligned with the company's strategy, culture and values.

Add behavioral data analysis for effective and objective talent management.

The analysis of behavioral data allows you to classify the real potential of people, avoiding biases resulting from subjectivity or ignorance.
We develop Business Intelligence and Business Analytics adapted to your needs.

Data Collection & Data Creation.

We accompany you to capture and use the power of data to enrich your company's talent management.

  • Data Collection: We go into the heart of your organization to collect key data that reflects the skills and performance of your employees. This allows us to obtain a true picture of the current situation and detect opportunities for improvement.
  • Data Creation: We don't just collect data; we transform them into valuable insights. We generate new information that helps you predict trends and make forward-looking decisions. With this information, you can guide your teams to success with strategies based on solid evidence.

Psychometric Assessments.

We adapt to you: we work with your current measurement tools, the best on the market or, if you need it, we create completely customized psychometric tests.

These assessments are designed to accurately capture critical data for your team and your organization.

Predictive Analytics in Talent Development.

We use predictive analytics to provide you with a forward-looking, strategic view of people management. This includes:

  • Competencies Diagnosis: We analyze historical and current data to identify key competencies within the organization and anticipate future needs to anticipate market changes.
  • Personalized Development Plans: We create personalized training itineraries based on data to maximize the potential of each employee and ensure the alignment of their personal goals and those of the company.
  • Retention Strategies: We use predictive models to detect warning signs that may indicate possible staff turnover.
    Intelligent Succession Planning: We identify emerging leaders and plan the succession of critical roles within the organization.
  • Performance Improvement: We analyze performance patterns to develop interventions that help all employees reach the standards of the most successful workers.
  • Support for Hiring Decision-Making: We provide data-driven insights that help predict which candidates will perform higher and fit better with the company's culture, thereby optimizing the selection process.

Behavioral Inclinations and Attitudes Measurement.

We measure behavioral inclinations and attitudes to evaluate and analyze behavioral patterns, tendencies, predispositions, and attitudes of individuals or groups.

This measure can be used to better understand how people react to different situations, what their intrinsic motivations are, how they make decisions, and what style of work they prefer.

  • Employee management.
  • Professional development.
  • Management of diversity.
  • Organizational change.
  • Customer analysis.

Psychological Contract.

The psychological contract refers to the unwritten and intangible agreement between an employee and employer that describes the informal commitments, expectations and understandings that make up their relationship, such as expectations about job security, job progression and company culture.

Knowing these variables is essential to be able to attract and retain the best talent.

Leave us your details and we will get in touch.


Fhort Management, SL

B01623776 - Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 47359, Folio 23, Hoja 549568, Inscripción 1