Business Intelligence for Talent Data Analysis.

We specialize in transforming talent data into strategic decisions.

Our focus on Business Intelligence allows us to offer detailed analyzes and precise diagnoses, essential for making strategic decisions in human resources.

We build Talent Business Intelligence adapted to your needs.

We empower your organization's talent decisions with Business Intelligence and Business Analytics solutions that help increase performance and reduce costs.


Measure and understand.

Measure people with objective and transversal variables that allow defining a current talent map.

Understand where we are to define where we want to go.



Moving forward in the future, building HR strategies and policies aligned with the strategic needs of the organization.

Establish KPIs for tracking objectives and measure the impact of actions.



Reports on people and strategic groups to take informed and objective decisions quickly and precisely.

Services we offer.

Our offer ranges from small projects to large-scale initiatives, providing tools and solutions to both companies and consulting professionals.

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Talent management.

Analysis of behavioral data, performance, objectives, climate and others; of small strategic groups or large collectives.

  • Management by skills.
  • Career plans, succession and training.
  • Analytical determination of reference profiles.
  • Analysis of reasons for performance in critical groups.
  • Identification of roles and group dynamics.
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Leadership and Management.

Analysis of strategic and dynamic alignment, leadership skills, and people and team management.

  • Conduct-competence reports of executives and managers.
  • Role alignment and team integration reports.
  • Maturity and leadership style reports.
  • Composition and balance of the executive team.
  • Evaluation of the dynamics of the steering committee.
  • Best practice audit.
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BI & BA projects.

We develop Business Intelligence and Business Analytics adapted to your needs.

  • Data Collections & Creation.
  • Psychometric Assessments.
  • Psychological Contract.
  • Predictive Analytics in Talent Development.
  • Behavioral Inclinations and Attitudes Measurement.

Casos de éxito.

Descubre cómo transformamos los retos en oportunidades reales.

Déjate inspirar con las historias de cómo hemos ayudado a las empresas a lograr la excelencia en la gestión del talento mediante Business Intelligence.

IBM Iberia

Analysis of the potential for promotion.

We collaborated with IBM to refine talent management, identifying key competencies in people management and establishing action plans for reskilling. Our detailed analysis highlighted critical skills and identified the greatest potential for promotion, making it easier for IBM to make informed decisions to foster professional advancement and excellence in its consultants.


Talent management and development.

Understanding the specific needs of Manusa, we create and implement a complete assessment to discover strengths and areas for improvement of its employees, guaranteeing a symbiosis between individual aspirations and corporate objectives. The benefits included the identification of strategic competencies, promoting emotional leadership and the establishment of clear professional itineraries, promoting effective feedback management. This resulted in a significant improvement in decision-making and innovative capacity within the organization.

Leave us your details and we will be in touch.


Fhort Management, SL

B01623776 - Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 47359, Folio 23, Hoja 549568, Inscripción 1